Tom Gallant - Selected Works

  • Even to the wall
    • Even to the wall
  • That Same is He
    • That Same is He
  • Moths
    • Moths
    This work can be sold either as a whole at £16K or as individual parts at £6K each.
  • Rose Window V (After Morris)
    • Rose Window V (After Morris)
    courtesy the artist
selected works

Tom Gallant examines the pathologies underlying the West's continuing fascination with pornography and collector culture.  His interests in Victorian decorative craft and his training in the traditional far-eastern techniques of Kirigami and Origami conjoin in his works in which highly intricate and beautiful shapes are cut and folded from pages extracted from pornographic magazines.  The delicacy of Gallant's work and his use of eastern techniques simultaneously eroticize, obscure and violently objectify the subjects and their sexual activities. Gallant describes his work as a visual language "dealing with a private matter in a very public way.